A 2-day split dumbbell workout, where half the body gets worked in one workout and half the body in a second workout. Dumbbell Hamstring Curl. Dumbbell Military Press. Start in a right-side plank, your left hand holding a 5-pound dumbbell, reaching for the sky, feet either stacked or split. 2. Dumbbell Lunge. Hammer Curl. 5. Though it's suitable for beginners, this workout is also challenging enough for … 3. 4. They don't need much space, and you can find them anywhere, from the dinkiest hotel fitness center to your uncle's garage. Complete all of the exercises in circuit A back-to-back without resting between exercises. That’s 1 rep; do 5 reps per side. Rotate the plank downward, moving the weight under your torso; don’t let it hit the ground. A short metabolic resistance training circuit that … Dumbbell Flys. Take 2 minutes of rest between each circuit, and complete for a total of 3 sets. 6. With just a few pairs of weights, this dumbbell-only routine will hit the major muscle groups in your body, and in only 30 minutes a day. 7. Before you get going on the workout, grab a 10- to 12-pound dumbbell and warm up by doing the following: The Ultimate Full-Body Workout. Move on to circuit B, resting for 2 minutes between full circuits and completing a total of 3 sets. Return to the starting position. Designed by Tripp, this 30-minute, full-body dumbbell workout incorporates basic strength movements that will help you lay a good foundation as you progress in your resistance training. Dumbbell Deadlift. An actual full body dumbbell workout where the entire body gets trained each and every workout. Workout Description 1. Seated Dumbbell …
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